Wednesday, 23 April 2014

This week's veg box 24th/25th April

Lots of growing activity as you would expect at this time of year.

We've just finished planting the main-crop potatoes and our parsnips are sown.

There is a constant round of seed sowing taking place in the big greenhouse.  Most of our veg is sown into compost modules which, once the seedlings get to a more robust size, can be planted in the fields without too much root disturbance.  As you can imagine with 250 odd boxes going out every week this is an ongoing activity which doesn't relent until the Autumn.

The potatoes this week are Javelin.  It's not the prettiest potato but it is a good all-rounder.  As well as the onions and carrots in the box there will be calabrese, cauliflower or 'hungry gap' kale (if you got one of these last week you will get the other this week),  lettuce, spinach, and either salad onions, radish or parsley.

In the fruit bag there will be kiwis and pears as well as the usual apples, oranges and bananas.

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